5 May 2024

4 Money Mistakes to Avoid

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We all like to regard ourselves as rational spenders and investors, optimizing the use of our hard-earned money. But in fact, say psychologists and financial advisers, most people are generally in the grip of emotional traps and cognitive biases that impede the optimum use of their money, and sometimes guarantee they’ll do the worst possible thing with it. Psychologically driven money missteps can be costly, and the first step toward avoiding them is recognizing that they exist in the first place. Below, four money mistakes you may be making:


The problem: Financial planner Jon Ulin has several boomer clients who have helped pay for their college-graduate children’s living expenses and loans while allowing them to move back home. 

The fix: Parents can mitigate the risks of financially enabling adult children by setting boundaries in advance of providing support, he says. If you’re already supporting adult children, break the pattern by having a family meeting and putting down specific requirements in writing. And consider requiring the child to repay you over a period of time. This will decrease the stress and anxiety between parents and their kids, and instill a sense of fiscal responsibility and motivation for moving forward.

Self-Sabotaging Beliefs 

The problem: These are half-truths that were learned in childhood but that operate unconsciously in your adult life. A problem with half-truths is that they can induce a type of passivity known as “learned helplessness” that prevents people from acting in their own best interests, even as they promote self-sabotaging behavior.

The fix: Counseling can help you understand your subconscious beliefs, and can be a critical first step toward a healthier relationship with money.


The problem: One of Karol Ward ’s clients was always stressed about not earning enough, says the New York psychotherapist. The client said it was because she worked as a freelancer and that her income was unpredictable. However, when Ms. Ward helped her analyze her expenses, she realized she was spending way too much on clothes for her two children.

The fix: The first step to stop overspending is realizing you’re doing it. When you’re rested and calm, track your expenses and compare them with your income. If you are overspending, set some financial goals and create a spending plan that will require you to live within your means. Setting goals can help you stay focused on a long-term goal, such as saving another $10,000 for retirement. A financial adviser or therapist can help you find ways other than shopping to relieve your stress, Ms. Ward says.


The problem: A client lost a lot of money in the 2008 market crash. He then decided he would manage his own investments, even though he had a full-time job and had limited knowledge of the stock market. But he made investment decisions based on “good news” about the stocks he liked, ignoring information that might challenge his assumptions—a phenomenon known as “confirmation bias.” For a while the strategy worked, but he eventually ended up losing more than before.

The fix: Don’t get “hijacked” by the excitement of investing, Ms. Baker says. If you feel that is happening, stop and make sure you’re doing enough research about the investment and fully understand its risks. Seek the input of an investment professional or trusted friend who can give you another perspective. Put some time between your investment idea and decision.

Click here to access the full article on The Wall Street Journal. 

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